Environment: SQL Server 2008 R2
Intro: StagingTable consists of three fields: order_dt, SSN, Score. I also have another database object called dbo.badData which has the following order_dt , SSN, score, flagdata
Problem: After identifying and flagging the data in the stagingTable, I failed to move or update the data in the badData table. I really dont want to use temp tables and use if statement if the object_id exists drop table. I ran into
many issues and I like to use an update statment where I update the table in the baddata and delete the invalid from the staging table for other uses.
select order_dt, SSN, Score, CASE WHEN ISDATE(order_dt) = 0 THEN 'Invalid date' WHEN SSN like '%[^0-9]%' THEN 'Alphanumeric SSN' WHEN ssn = '' OR ssn is null THEN 'BLANK SSN' WHEN LEN(SSN)>9 THEN 'Invalid SSN' WHEN order_dt >= getdate() THEN 'Date Leap' When score is null THEN 'Invalid score' ELSE 'VALID' END as [FlagStatus] from StagingTable