Hi, I want to update the data of table #t1 and #t2 using the sample data. Help on this update.
code_t1 column in #T1 and unique in #t1 and sharing the data in #t2 table. I want to update the @code_desc with starting 4 char in code_t1_desc colum in #t1.
code_t2 column in #T2 is unique. I also want to update the code_t1 in #T2 table with #t1.code_t1.
Important: Some #t2.code_t1 are twice. Update should be same as existing setup.
We'll be using max of code_t1 and code_t2.
Declare @code_desc As varchar(10)
Declare @code_desc ='0334'
Select MAX(code_t1)+1 from #T1 --1008
Select MAX(code_t2)+1 from #T2 --9
create table #T1 (code_t1 numeric, code_t1_desc char(20),code_id numeric)
insert into #T1 values (1002,'0333_BBBB_EET',123)
insert into #T1 values (1003,'0333_BBBB_EEC',123)
insert into #T1 values (1004,'0333_BBBB_EET',123)
insert into #T1 values (1005,'0333_BBBB_ERC',123)
insert into #T1 values (1006,'0333_BBBB_EEG',123)
insert into #T1 values (1007,'0333_BBBB_ERG',123)
create table #T2 (code_t2 numeric, code_t1 numeric, code_t2_desc char(20),code_amt numeric)
insert into #T2 values (1,1002,'EET',100)
insert into #T2 values (2,1003,'EEC',100)
insert into #T2 values (3,1004,'ET',100)
insert into #T2 values (4,1005,'ER',100)
insert into #T2 values (5,1006,'0333_BBBB_EEG',60)
insert into #T2 values (6,1006,'0333_BBBB_EEG',40)
insert into #T2 values (7,1007,'0333_BBBB_ERG',60)
insert into #T2 values (8,1007,'0333_BBBB_ERG',40)
--Desired result for #T1 table
1008 0334_BBBB_EET 123
1009 0334_BBBB_EEC 123
1010 0334_BBBB_EET 123
1011 0334_BBBB_ERC 123
1012 0334_BBBB_EEG 123
1013 0334_BBBB_ERG 123
--Desired result for #T2 table
9 1008 EET 100
10 1009 EEC 100
11 1010 ET 100
12 1005 ER 100
13 1006 0334_BBBB_EEG 60
14 1006 0334_BBBB_EEG 40
15 1007 0334_BBBB_ERG 60
16 1007 0334_BBBB_ERG 40