I have stored procedure that inserts information into a login table and a announcer table. I have realized that when insertion into the announcer fails, a record was inserted into the login table, leaving orphans records into the login table.
create procedure [publico].[cadastrar_login_Loja] @email char(40), @senha char(10), @CNPJ char(10), @Endereco char(40), @bairro char(40), @Estado tinyint, @cidade tinyint, @cep char(20) , @RazaoSocial
char(50), @NomeFantasia char(50), @Telefone1
char(15), @Telefone2 char(15), @celular1 char(15), @Celular2 char(15), @Website char(50), @dir char(4)
insert into producao.LoginsLojas ( NomeUsuario,Senha) values (@email, @senha);
insert into producao.Lojas( cnpj, endereco, bairro, estado, Cidade, cep, razaosocial, nomefantasia, telefone1, telefone2, celular1, celular2, website, email, dir)
values ( @cnpj, @endereco, @bairro, @estado, @cidade, @cep, @razaosocial, @nomefantasia, @telefone,@telefone2, @celular1, @celular2, @website,@email, @dir)
as you can see, the sp just perform two inserts. How do I handle that? I have studied this scenario before, but I can't remember!