My table is [employee]=name, email
i writing a trigger for this table.
the conditions are
1. If same employee name already existed is inserted means it won't accepted it.
2. if email id already present is updated means, it will wont accepted.
3.When insertion, no updation block will be considered.
4.when updation, no insertion block will be considered.
I try some code, but it will not work correctly, the code is given below.
Create trigger [dbo].[trigg] on [dbo].[employee] instead of insert,update as IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT name FROM employee WHERE name = (select from inserted)) begin insert into employee(,employee.Email) select, from inserted end else raiserror ('Error: Employee Name Already Exists',16,1) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT Email FROM employee WHERE email=(SELECT Email FROM DELETED)) begin insert into employee(,employee.Email) select, from deleted end else raiserror ('Error: EmailID Already Exists',16,1)