My table and data:
Create table Sample(Empid int primary key identity(1,1),EmpName varchar(50),Empsalary money,EmpDesignation varchar(30)); insert into Sample values('Jhon',8000,'Manager'), ('Smith',6000,'Lead'), ('Samuel',4000,'AccountExecutive'), ('Simson',4000,'AccountSpecialist'), ('Eric',22000,'Director'), ('Jonathan',12000,'SeniorManager')
Expected Result
select 'EmpName','Jhon','Smith','Samuel','Simson','Eric','Jonathan' union all select 'Salary','8000','6000','4000','4000','22000','12000' union all select 'Designation','Manager','Lead','AccountExecutive','AccountSpecialist','Director','SeniorManager'
Is it possible to do without using loop? can anyone please give me some sample query to achieve. Also
I have 2k * 1000 reocords in my table. Is it possible to bring the data based on by passing the page size.
Thanks in Advance
loving dotnet