In an SSRS 2008 r2 report, I am currently calling a stored procedure called spRoom. I obtain the results of the stored procedure
by creating a temptable called #roomReults
The temp table that I am creating and using to obtain results looks like the following:
CREATE TABLE #roomResults(
studentID VARCHAR(15),
calendarID INT)
INSERT #roomResults
EXEC [dbo].[spRoom] @endYear, @calendarID
Currently I am only passing in one value for both paramters called: @endYear and @calendarID. However now I want to pass
in several values to each parameter.
I want to change the sql to look like the following:
EXEC [dbo].[spRoom] IN (@endYear), In (@calendarID)
The above gives me syntax errors.
Thus I am wondering if you can show me how to change the sql listed above so that that I can pass in more than one value from the SSRS report parameters called @endYear and @calendarID to the stored procedure called [spRoom]?