Below are my table structure
create table Test (ProductId int primary key identity(1,1), productnumber varchar(50),productname varchar(50),Quantity int) insert into Test values('PN1001','Pepsi',20), ('PN1001','curd',2), ('PN1001','Noodles',10), ('PN1001','Shrimp',40), ('PN1002','Mango',10), ('PN1002','Pizza',5), ('PN1002','Soup',10), ('PN1002','Honey',30), ('PN1001','Pepsi',15), ('PN1001','Curd',50), ('PN1001','Noodles',13), ('PN1001','Shrimp',32), ('PN1002','Mango',11), ('PN1002','Pizza',14), ('PN1002','Soup',18), ('PN1002','Honey',20)
I need to take the last inserted set of records. unfortunately i don't have created date in my table and not sure why it hasn't created
when the guy build the table schema. i know this is poor table structure cannot do anything at the moment.
Me required output :
select 'PN1001' as productnumber,'Pepsi' as productname,15 as Quantity union all select 'PN1001' as productnumber,'curd' as productname,50 as Quantity union all select 'PN1001' as productnumber,'Noodles' as productname,13 as Quantity union all select 'PN1001' as productnumber,'Shrimp' as productname,32 as Quantity union all select 'PN1002' as productnumber,'Mango' as productname,11 as Quantity union all select 'PN1002' as productnumber,'Pizza' as productname,14 as Quantity union all select 'PN1002' as productnumber,'Soup' as productname,18 as Quantity union all select 'PN1004' as productnumber,'Honey' as productname,20 as Quantity
ie. The logic i need to achieve is to get the last insert records based on productnumber.
This is my try
;with TotalRecords as ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY productnumber Order BY productnumber DESC ) AS RowNumber,productnumber, productname,Quantity from Test) select * from TotalRecordsplease Note : on this sample i can specify Rownumber = 3 to get latest records. but i should not do that because i don't need to specify the particular number as it can change any time. so please help me achieving my requiement
Any sample query please
loving dotnet