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Transaction Isolation Level to Read UnCommited in Non OLTP Database



We are having a database which for NOT OLTP process. That is OLAP DB. Operation on that DB is only Select and (Incremental Insert - FOR DWH ) not Update/Delete and we are performing ROLAP operations in that DB.

By Default SQL Server DB isolation Level is READ COMMITTED.AS Our DB IS OLAP SQL Server DB we need to change the isolation level toRead Uncommited. We google it down but We can achive inTransaction level only by SET isoaltion Level TO Read UNCOMMITED or ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON or READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT

Is there any other way if we can Change the Database isolation level to READ uncommitedfor Entire Database?, insteads of achiving in Transaction Level or With out enabling SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON or READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT

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