Hello I have very important question..this is how i have a dataset...
This is the Log Table
And the actual Table holds the current value. 12345
Current Table
12345 575 232 4567
Log Table Values
Objectid InvalidatedTimePhoneAreaPhoneno Rank
12345 2014-04-23570 822-4438 0 3
12345 2014-04-28NULL658-7789 0
12345 2014-05-09 578 658-8521 0 1
As you can see on 23 they invlalidated the areacode and phone no and changed it to .. 578 658-8521 but on 04-28 they just changed the phone no and not the area code..
I want the result set to be like this
DateFromvalue ToValue
2014-04-23 570-822-4438 578 658-7789
2014-04-28 578 658-7789 578 658-8521
2014-05-09 578 658-8521575 232 4567
I have tried this code..
--'Home Phone',
--tt.invalidationtime ,
--Case when
--tt.*,tt_prev.* --,
'Home Phone' as PropertyName,
case when tt.rank1 = 1 then tt.phoneareacode+'-'+tt.phoneno
when tt.rank1 <> 1 then Isnull(tt.phoneareacode,tt_prev.phoneareacode)+'-'+ isnull(tt.phoneno,tt_prev.phoneno)
end as FromAddress,
case when tt.rank1 = 1 then Haddress.phoneareacode+'-'+HAddress.phoneno
when tt.rank1 <> 1 then Isnull(tt_prev.phoneareacode,tt.phoneareacode)+'-'+isnull(tt_prev.phoneno,tt.phoneno)
end as ToPhone
#Phone_Final tt
left join #Phone_Final tt_prev on tt_prev.objectid = tt.objectid and tt.rank1-11 = tt_prev.rank1
inner join (select * from Soarian_Clin_Prd_1.dbo.Haddress where PP_id = 2346 and Addresstype = 0) Haddress
Can you please tell me what is wrong here..