Thank you for your help!!!
I've created a stored procedure to return results as xml. I'm having trouble figuring out why I'm getting the error message "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '<tr>.....' to data type int. It seems like the system doesn't know that I'm returning a string... Or, I'm doing something that I just don't see.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_getTestResults] --***************************************************************** @xml NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT AS BEGIN CREATE TABLE #Temp ( [TestNameId] int, [MaxTestDate] [DateTime], [Name] [nvarchar](50), [Duration] [varchar](10) ) DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX) ;WITH T1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT Test.TestNameId , replace(str(Test.TotalTime/3600,len(ltrim(Test.TotalTime/3600))+abs(sign(Test.TotalTime/359999)-1)) + ':' + str((Test.TotalTime/60)%60,2)+':' + str(Test.TotalTime%60,2),' ','0') as Duration ,MaxTestDate = MAX(TestDate) OVER (PARTITION BY TM.TestNameId) ,TestDate ,TM.Name ,Test.TotalTime ,RowId = ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY TM.TestNameId ORDER BY TestDate DESC ) FROM Test inner join TestName TM on Test.TestNameID = TM.TestNameID where not Test.TestNameID in (24,25,26,27) ) INSERT INTO #Temp SELECT T1.TestNameId ,T1.MaxTestDate ,T1.[Name] ,T1.Duration FROM T1 WHERE T1.RowId = 1 ORDER BY T1.TestNameId SET @body ='<html><body><H3>TEST RESULTS INFO</H3><table border = 1> <tr><th> TestNameId </th> <th> MaxTestDate </th> <th> Name </th> <th> Duration </th></tr>' SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT CAST(TestNameId AS NVARCHAR(4)) as 'td' , '' , CAST([MaxTestDate] AS NVARCHAR(11)) AS 'td' , '' , [Name] AS 'td' , '' , CAST([Duration] AS NVARCHAR(10)) AS 'td' FROM #Temp ORDER BY TestNameId FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>' DROP TABLE #Temp RETURN @xml END