please help
declare @tab1 table
( id int, subid int, date2 date)
insert into @tab1 values (1,1,'05/06/2013'), (1,2,'05/03/2013'),(1,3,'05/05/2013'),(1,4,'05/6/2013')
,(2,1,'05/02/2013'), (2,2,'05/07/2013'),(2,3,'05/05/2013'),(2,4,'05/6/2013')
select * from @tab1
declare @tab2 table
( id int, subid int, date2 date)
insert into @tab2 values (1,3,'05/4/2013'), (2,3,'05/4/2013')
select * from @tab2
tab1 left join tab2 on subid then would like to tag records whose dates are greater than date in tab2 and also who subid matches like below