We have used an Access Database on our web site for some time, but it has been suggested that we update to SQL for any future upgrades.
The script that access the database looks like:-
Response.Buffer = True
Dim intState, intAge, txtSmoker, txtGender, curPremium
if isEmpty(Request.Form("selectstate"))then
intState = Alabama
intState = Request.form("selectstate")
end if
if IsEmpty(Request.Form("selectage")) then
intAge = 20
intAge = Request.Form("selectage")
end if
if IsEmpty(Request.Form("Smoker")) then
txtSmoker = "No"
txtSmoker = Request.Form("Smoker")
end if
if IsEmpty(Request.Form("Gender")) then
txtGender = "Male"
txtGender = Request.Form("Gender")
end if
dim MinPremium, MaxPremium
MinPremium = 10000 ' minimum monthly premium
MaxPremium = 250000
commission = 0 ' percent
if IsEmpty(Request.Form("SelectPremium")) then
curPremium = MinPremium
curPremium = CCur(Request.Form("SelectPremium"))
end if
dim adoConn, rsCost
set adoConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rsAges = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set rsCost = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
filePath = Server.MapPath("db/costs101.mdb")
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & filePath
adoConn.Open strConn
intEffectiveAge = intAge
if txtGender = "Female" then
intEffectiveAge = intEffectiveAge - 3
if intEffectiveAge < 20 then intEffectiveAge = 20
end if
if txtSmoker = "No" then
txtCostField = "[Non Smoker Cost]"
txtCostField = "[Smoker Cost]"
end if
strSQL = "SELECT " & txtCostField & " as Cost FROM Costs WHERE ([AGE NEXT] = " & intEffectiveAge & ")"
rsCost.Open strSQL, adoConn
adjustmentFactor = (100 - commission)/100.0
if not rsCost.BOF then
rate = rsCost("Cost")
lifeAss = curPremium/1000 * rate * 1.90
lifeAss = int(100*lifeAss)/100
lifeAss = FormatNumber(lifeAss,2)
Response.Write "Could not find cost for age " & intAge
end if
What do we need to do to migrate to an SQL database.