I have a sql table and the data looks like this
GLYEAR GLMN01 GLMN02 GLMN03 GLMN04 2007 -109712.40 6909.15 4758.72 56.88 2007 -13411.32 19132.9 -5585.07 4362.64
Where GLyear reprsents Year and GLMN01 is February, GLMN02 is March and so on,
Now i want my output to be something like this which i want to insert into another table
GLYear GLMonth GLAmount 2007 February -109712.40 2007 March 6909.15 2007 April 56.88
My new table has 3 columns, GLYear,GLMonth,GLAmount.
Can someone please help me with the select statement on how to do this, i can work with the inserts.