Hi All,
I am trying to run the following query and it gives me the error
declare @StartDate date, @EndDate date set @StartDate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, '19000101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - 3, '19000101') SET @EndDate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP select * From ODS.Staging.vODS_GLBalance Inner Join Ods.JJill.tODS_GLBalance ON tODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId = vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId AND tODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId = vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId AND tODS_GLBalance.Page = vODS_GLBalance.PAGE Where CONVERT(date, cast(vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId as CHAR(4)) + RIGHT('00'+CAST(vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId as VARCHAR(2)),2) + '01', 112) BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate AND tODS_GLBalance.Balance <> vODS_GLBalance.GLAmount
The vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId and vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId are both Int columns, Can someone please help me with this.