Wasn't really sure how to word this, but here it goes. I have a simple update statement that uses a sub-query to concatenate a column from a record set using the most recently recommended fashion of FOR XML. The row estimations through the XML reader show as 42 million rows, but the actual rows are 18k'ish.
update d set d.DraftDocumentReadyDate = stuff(isnull((select ', ' + convert(varchar, wa.WorkAudit_Date, 110) from livelink.WAuditTrail wa inner join livelink.KUAF ku1 on wa.WorkAudit_PerformerID_Name = ku1.Name where d.VolumeID = wa.WorkAudit_WorkID and wa.WorkAudit_Task_Title = 'Draft Document' and wa.WorkAudit_Status = 21 for xml path (''), type).value('.','nvarchar(4000)'), ''), 1, 2, '') from #ltbl_DataDump d
Adding image of cardinality:
John M. Couch