Hi guys, just an advice. I'm not able to understand this SQL behavior:
TBL Products ( id, name(varchar), description(varchar)
TBL ProductSales ( id, productid (foreign keys), unitprice (int), quantity (int).
Let's go:
A simple:
select * from tbl_productSales a inner join tbl_products on a.ProductId=tbl_products.id
id prodid upr qty id name description
1 3 45053 desktophp high performance
250 7 2
laptopvery thin black color acer laptop
33450 4 3 desktophp high performance
43450 9 3 desktophp high performance
Note that id 1 , tvlcd is not present because it wasn't sold so far. It's ok.
Corelated subquery:
select name,
(select sum(quantitysold) from tbl_productSales a where a.ProductId=tbl_products.id ) as qtysold
from tbl_products
nome qtysold
desktop 18
Now I'm wondering why returns a value not in a.ProductId=tbl_products.id?
In a.productId the number 1 doesn't exist. I should think that a corelated subquery returns all the value from the main query? And in this case, how can I exclude the value not in a.productId?
Thanks a lot as always