Below is my insert proc query
insert into ODS.JJill.tODS_GLBalance ( tUTL_JobLogging_Key, PageNum, FiscalYearId, FiscalMonthOfYearId, Balance ) select DISTINCT @tUTL_JobLogging_Key, vODS_GLBalance.PageNum, vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId, vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId, GLAmount From ODS.Staging.vODS_GLBalance Left Outer Join Ods.JJill.tODS_GLBalance ON tODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId = vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId AND tODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId = vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId AND tODS_GLBalance.PageNum = vODS_GLBalance.PageNum where EXISTS ( select * From ODS.Common.tODS_Date where FiscalYearId = 2014 and FiscalMonthOfYearId = 2 ) AND tODS_GLBalance.tUTL_JobLogging_Key Is NULL Order BY FiscalYearId ASC, FiscalMonthOfYearId ASC
And i am using where exists if the year = 2014 and month = 2 then only insert , but if i run this proc it inserts all the records for 2014.
Can someone please help me with how to change this one to get my task achieved?