Below is my query
select DISTINCT -1, vODS_GLBalance.PageNum, vODS_GLBalance.FiscalYearId, vODS_GLBalance.FiscalMonthOfYearId, GLAmount From ODS.Staging.vODS_GLBalance where EXISTS ( select * From ODS.Common.tODS_Date where dateid not in (-1,99991231) AND convert(date,convert(varchar,FiscalYearId)+'-'+convert(varchar,FiscalMonthOfYearID)+'-01') between dateadd(month,-2,getdate()) and dateadd(month,-1,getdate()) ) Order BY FiscalYearId ASC, FiscalMonthOfYearId ASC
My subquery inside the where exists just brings the date for current month,so i want to limit my whole data only for current month,but if i run the whole query it returns me all the data i have in my staging table.
Any suggestions please?