I am using SQL 2008R2 and I want to replace a view inside a stored procedure with a new stored procedure to return multiple variable values. Currently I am using the code below to get values for 4 different variables. I would rather get the 4 variables from a stored procedure (which returns all of these 4 values and more) but not sure how to do so. Below is the code for getting the 4 variable values in my current sp.
DECLARE @TotalCarb real; DECLARE @TotalPro real; DECLARE @TotalFat real; DECLARE @TotalLiquid real; SELECT @TotalCarb = ISNULL(TotCarb,0), @TotalPro = ISNULL(TotPro,0), @TotalFat = ISNULL(TotFat,0), @TotalLiquid = ISNULL(TotLiq,0) FROM dbo.vw_ActualFoodTotals WHERE (MealID = @MealID);