Hi i have a querey
select pr.PurchaseRequestId,prl.TotalCost,pr.DateRequested from dbo.PurchaseRequest as pr
left join dbo.PurchaseRequestLineItem as prl on pr.PurchaseRequestId=prl.PurchaseRequestId
where prl.TotalCost is not null
and the o/p is below
PurchaseRequestId TotalCost DateRequested
885 100.00 2013-05-21 11:03:35.090
886 100.00 2013-05-21 11:09:51.543
894 100.00 2013-05-21 14:14:46.937
894 250.00 2013-05-21 14:14:46.937
894 720.00 2013-05-21 14:14:46.937
895 1400.00 2013-06 -21 14:14:46.937
895 200.00 2013-07-21 14:14:46.937
I would like the output to be sum of total cost and like below
PurchaseRequestId TotalCost DateRequested (month)
885 100.00 MAY
886 100.00 MAY
894 2470.00 MAY
895 1400.00 JUNE
895 200.00 JULY
Please help me