I want select a column from another database base on my current field on current database.
here is my query :
select ms.ServiceID, ms.ServiceName, ms.CoefficientFixedService, (select Services_Name from MpAdmisson..IAServices_Table where Services_DepartmentID=24 and Services_Name=ms.ServiceName) as N'MpServiceName' from MedicalServices ms join MedicalCategories mc on ms.MedicalCategorizationID=mc.MedicalCategorizationID join Zones z on mc.ZoneID=z.ZoneID where z.ZoneID=24
but I'm facing this error :
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Persian_100_CI_AI" and "Arabic_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
Also i changed collation of "MpAdmisson" db to "Persian_100_CI_AI" and even restart msSqlServer service, but i'm facing the same error!
where is my problem and how to solve it ?
thanks in advance