I have created below SQL query which works fine however when scalar function created ,it
throws an error "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a
function.". In below code First cursor reads all client database names and second cursor
reads client locations.
DECLARE @clientLocation nvarchar(100),@locationClientPath nvarchar(Max);
DECLARE @ItemID int;
SET @locationClientPath = char(0);
SET @ItemID = 67480;
--building dynamic sql to replace database name at runtime
DECLARE @strSQL nvarchar(Max);
DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(100);
DECLARE @localClientPath nvarchar(MAX) ;
Declare databaselist_cursor Cursor for select [DBName] from [DataBase].[dbo].
OPEN databaselist_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
PRINT 'Processing DATABASE: ' + @DatabaseName;
SET @strSQL = 'DECLARE organizationlist_cursor CURSOR
FOR SELECT '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[usGetLocationPathByRID]
FROM '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[tblItemLocationDetailOrg] where
ItemId = '+ cast(@ItemID as nvarchar(20)) ;
EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL;
-- Open the cursor
OPEN organizationlist_cursor
SET @localClientPath = '';
-- go through each Location path and return the
FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor into @clientLocation
SELECT @localClientPath = @clientLocation;
SELECT @locationClientPath =
@locationClientPath + @clientLocation + ','
FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor INTO
PRINT 'current databse client location'+ @localClientPath;
-- Close the Cursor
CLOSE organizationlist_cursor;
DEALLOCATE organizationlist_cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
CLOSE databaselist_cursor;
DEALLOCATE databaselist_cursor;
-- Trim the last comma from the string
SELECT @locationClientPath = SUBSTRING(@locationClientPath,1,LEN(@locationClientPath)- 1);
PRINT @locationClientPath;
I would like to create above query in function so that return value would be used in
another query select statement and I am using SQL 2005.
I would like to know if there is a way to make this work as a function or any better way
to achieve this?