Hi everyone, a question...I have this table History2 for athlete
[NOME2] [varchar](50) NULL,
[BL2] [int] NULL,
[AM2] [int] NULL,
[SX2] [int] NULL,
[per] [nvarchar](5) NULL
M.P. 7 8 11 null
A.R. 7 7 11 null
E.B. 8 9 6 null
Bl2, Am2, Sx2 are filled with the last results of the prove, I added [per] cause I need to count and group by [per] to understand where the athletes are stronger ( there are more than 5000 athletes around the world). To do this I updated [per] whit a varchar,
Output after update below
M.P. 7 8 11 Sx
A.R. 7 7 11 Sx
E.B. 8 9 6 Am
To achieve this results ( I hate this editor because I don'understand what happens...) I used this code:
declare @imax as int
set @imax=@@rowcount
set @1 = 1
WHILE (@1 <=@imax)
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM history2 WHERE per is not null
update history2 SET per=iif (bl2>am2 and bl2>sx2,'Bz',IIf(am2>sx2,'Am','Sx'))
SET @1 = @1 + 1
It's works perfectly. I got the new column with the results I want.
I tried, anyway, with the cursor but it didn't works.
declare productcursor cursor for
select * from HISTORY2
open productcursor
fetch next from productcursor
while (@@FETCH_STATUS=0)
update history2 SET per=iif (bl2>am2 and bl2>sx2,'Bz',IIf(am2>sx2,'Am','Sx'))
fetch next from productcursor
close productcursor
deallocate productcursor
I know I'm wrong in some way but...kindly ( Joe please stay away...), can someone explain where I'm wrong? I never used cursor before and I'm having some trouble to understand the logic.
Thank you a lot
...and Joe, please, stay away.