I have a query which run thousand of times within the loop with randomised data. Basically, the loop randomises the data/column on each iteration and then performs some calculations. The below query is what I came up with but it takes too slow when compared with non-randomised way. I have commented out the line with non-randomisation, which joins to the same row_numbers. The table only contains about few thousand rows. Is there a way to re-structure the randomisation to speed up ?
WHILE @counter <= 10 BEGIN --Some SELECT Queries eliminated for clarity --Randomise and Delete temp tables DELETE @tmpReCalcBloomberg DELETE @tmpAnniversaryTemp UPDATE @tmpBloomberg SET randomNo = FlOOR(RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) * (@upperNO-@lowerNO)+@lowerNO) --Randomise Returns AND Calculate Prev products INSERT INTO @tmpReCalcBloomberg SELECT b2.bl_date, b2.bl_rowNo, b1.bl_rowNo, b1.bl_und1, b1.bl_und2, b1.bl_und3, b1.bl_und4, b1.bl_und5, ROUND(EXP(SUM(LOG(b1.bl_und1)) OVER(ORDER BY b2.bl_rowNo)), 17), ROUND(EXP(SUM(LOG(b1.bl_und2)) OVER(ORDER BY b2.bl_rowNo)), 17), ROUND(EXP(SUM(LOG(b1.bl_und3)) OVER(ORDER BY b2.bl_rowNo)), 17), ROUND(EXP(SUM(LOG(b1.bl_und4)) OVER(ORDER BY b2.bl_rowNo)), 17), ROUND(EXP(SUM(LOG(b1.bl_und5)) OVER(ORDER BY b2.bl_rowNo)), 17) --FROM @tmpBloomberg AS b1 JOIN @tmpBloomberg AS b2 ON b1.bl_rowNo = b2.bl_rowNo FROM @tmpBloomberg AS b1 JOIN @tmpBloomberg AS b2 ON b1.bl_rowNo = b2.randomNo SET @counter = @counter + 1 END