Hi all,
The scenario I have is a person can have one or more charges on his/her case.
One charge could be adjudicated as GUILTY and the other charge
is DROPPED. If this is the scenario, I would like to assign GUILTY Adjudication to this case.
One charge could be WITHHELD and the other charge is DROPPED.
If this is the scenario, I would like to assign WITHHELD to this case.
Under Adjudication column, I would like to see GUILTY for case number 12345 and WITHHELD for case 98765
Sample data:
Case Number Charge Charge Adjudication
========== ====== ===========
12345 DUI
12345 Driving w/o license DROPPED
98765 DUI
98765 Driving w/o license DROPPED
Below is the query that returned the above sample Charge Disposition. I am thinking of using CASE expression to determine Adjudication but not sure.
Thank you for everyone's help!
declare @Begindate datetime-- declare @Enddate datetime set @begindate = '05/01/2014' set @Enddate = '05/31/2014' SELECT (CASE WHEN cc1.ProsecutorFinalAction IN ('L','O','R') AND (cc1.ProsecutorFinalDecisionDate >= @BeginDate) AND (cc1.ProsecutorFinalDecisionDate < DateAdd(d, 1, @EndDate)) THEN pfa1.Description WHEN (cc1.CourtDecisionDate >= @BeginDate)AND (cc1.CourtDecisionDate < DateAdd(d, 1, @EndDate)) THEN dbo.fnGetLookupDescription(cc1.CourtActionTaken,'CourtActionTaken') END) FROM tblCase c1 with(nolock) INNER JOIN tblCaseCharge cc1 with(nolock) ON c1.caseid = cc1.caseid LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProsecutorFinalAction pfa1 WITH(NOLOCK) ON cc1.ProsecutorFinalAction = pfa1.ProsecutorCode WHERE c1.CaseID = @CaseID