i have two tables that is table1 and table2
table1 tables,
select * from table1
idt mmid col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
3 1001 null bb cc as q
3 1002 a b c vf t
3 1003 b c d kd s
4 1011 a null x mb v
4 1125 b c z gt null
5 2542 p q r tb xs
5 5423 r s p null o
i want idt column record is created as separate table.
which means,
select * from table1 where idt=3 it result is moved to idt_3 table
select * from table1 where idt=4, it result is moved to idt_4 table
idt_3,idt_4,...idt_n tables are created at dynamically. it table contains the only idt,mmid,col1,col2,col3,col4 and col5 these three fields
above mentioned, dynamically created and move the record as separated table. this is working fine using below query.
declare @Sql Varchar(Max)
declare @x int
declare @f1 Varchar(10)
declare @table Table (Id Int Identity(1,1),idt int)
Insert Into @table Select Distinct idt from table1
Select @x = Max(Id) from @table
While @x>0
Select @f1 = idt from @table Where Id = @x
Set @Sql =
'If Exists( Select 1 from sys.objects where name =
''table1_'+@f1+''' And Type_Desc = ''USER_TABLE'')
Insert Into table1_'+@f1+ ' Select * from table1 Where idt='''+@f1+'''
Select * Into table1_'+@f1+' from table1 Where idt='''+@f1+'''
Set @x = @x-1
Exec (@Sql)
this query result come like this,
idt_3 table result, select * from idt_3
idt mmid col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
3 1001 null bb cc as q
3 1002 a b c vf t
3 1003 b c d kd s
but no need idt field in result because idt field record as table name.
i have no need the col1,col2,col3,col4 and col5.instead of these columns are replaced as data,aaa,bbb,ccc and ddd columns.
data,aaa,bbb,ccc and ddd - these values are available in table2 condname column records.
table2 is there,
select * from table2
idt cond1 condname
3 col1 data
3 col2 aaa
3 col3 bbb
3 col4 ccc
4 col1 data
4 col2 aaa
5 col1 data
5 col2 aaa
5 col3 bbb
5 col4 ccc
5 col5 ddd
i want create dynamic table idt_3,4..n above mentioned this one.
if create table,
idt_3 it contains mmid,data,aaa,bbb,ccc these are the columns are needed
idt_4, it contains mmid,data,aaa these are the columns are needed.
mmid from table1, data,aaa,bbb,ccc from table2.
data, aaa,bbb,ccc these are records in table2 but replaced as col1,col2,col3
my output is data, aaa,bbb,ccc these are display as columns
my final result come this,
for ex : table - idt_3 result
select * from idt_3
idt mmid data aaa bbb ccc
3 1001 null bb cc as
3 1002 a b c vf
3 1003 b c d kd
same for all the tables result are like this, idt_4,idt_5..idt_n tables..
Abdul Khadir.