Hi All,
I am pivoting on a balance amount and then trying to get the total of each row, but the total column is null.
CLient-client code-gl account-division-client type-CA100- CA180-CA200-CA210-Total
Acme Pty Ltd-ACM-Production-Reaching-Trade-5213.06-null-null-null-null
Bunnies Ltd-BUN-Testing-Fankt-Local-null-2427-null-null-null
select *, pvt.[CA100 - Work in progress gross] + pvt.[CA180 - Work in progress prov] + pvt.[CA200 - Trade and related receivables gross] + pvt.[CA210 - Accrued revenue - External] AS [Total] from ( select distinct c.CLIName1 as [Client], c.CLICode as [Client Code], a.COACode2Name1 as [GL Account Group], a.COAName1 as [GL Account], l.GNLBalanceBase as [Closing Balance], --c.CLIID, --o.CLOID, --d.DIVID, --o.CLODIVID, d.DIVName1 as [Division], t.CLTName1 as [Client Type] from xx.yyy c inner join [vwChartOfAccount] a on a.[COASourceID] = c.[CLISourceID] inner join [vwChartOfAccountGroup] g on g.[AGPID] = a.COAAGPID inner join [vwGeneralLedger] l on l.GNLID = c.[CLIID] inner join [vwclientOwner] o on o.CLOID = c.CLIID inner join [vwDivision] d on d.DIVID = o.CLODIVID inner join [vwClientType] t on t.CLTID = c.[CLICLTID] where a.COACode2Name1 like 'CA100%' or a.COACode2Name1 like 'CA180%' or a.COACode2Name1 like 'CA200%' or a.COACode2Name1 like 'CA210%' )srce PIVOT (SUM([Closing Balance]) for [GL Account Group] IN( [CA100 - Work in progress gross], [CA180 - Work in progress prov], [CA200 - Trade and related receivables gross], [CA210 - Accrued revenue - External] ))as pvt group by pvt.Client,pvt.[Client Code], pvt.[Client Type], pvt.Division, pvt.[GL Account], pvt.[CA100 - Work in progress gross], pvt.[CA180 - Work in progress prov], pvt.[CA200 - Trade and related receivables gross], pvt.[CA210 - Accrued revenue - External]
Thanks for any help.