SELECT User.LastName, User.FirstName, User.Middle, User.BirthDate, User.ID, Research.ResearchDateTime, Report.ResearchTag, Research.UserTag, Research.ResearchID, ReportSnapshot.ScientistTag, ReportSnapshot.ReportTypeStyleSheetTag, Scientist.ConfirmationSignature, ReportSnapshot.ReportDateTime AS SignedDateTime FROM (((Eagle.dbo.Research Research INNER JOIN Eagle.dbo.User User ON (Research.UserTag = User.tag)) INNER JOIN Eagle.dbo.Report Report ON (Report.ResearchTag = Research.tag)) INNER JOIN Eagle.dbo.ReportSnapshot ReportSnapshot ON (ReportSnapshot.ReportTag = Report.tag)) INNER JOIN Eagle.dbo.Scientist Scientist ON (ReportSnapshot.ScientistTag = Scientist.tag) WHERE (ReportSnapshot.ReportDateTime BETWEEN '20130701 00:00:00.000' AND '20130711 23:59:59.997')
Sorry but I'm a noob with report writing but I'm having this issue. I wrote the report to show the users seen and the reports completed and when I run it I get the right answers (in a way) but they are all dupped. For some reason the column for ReportTypeStyleSheetTag has a 1 and 2 so I get 2 records for the same person. All the other colums have EXACTLY the same information EXCEPT this darn ReportTypeStyleSheetTag. Is ther some way I can sum/merge??? I tried just telling it to take just the 1 with
WHERE (ReportSnapshot.ReportTypeStyleSheetTag IN (1))
but 4 months later the report stop working because the ReportTypeStyleSheetTag is now using 3 and 4. So I need a perm fix so I don't have to keep coming back and editing this report.
Please help a noob sql report writer out?