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How to pass the value through variable in dynamic query in sql



i have written below query for dynamically create the table and insert the records from source table.

Declare @Sql Varchar(Max)
Declare @x int
declare @value varchar(100),@schema varchar(100)='aaa'
Declare @f1 Varchar(100)
Declare @table Table(Idt Int Identity(1,1),grp_id numeric(18,0),id int)
Insert Into @table Select Distinct grp_id,0 from abc..table1
Select @x = Max(Idt) from @table
select @value=(select id from cde..table2 where Shortname='+@schema+')
While @x>0
Select @f1= grp_id From @table Where Idt = @x
Set @Sql =
'If Exists( Select 1 from sys.objects where name = ''condition_'+@f1+''' And Type_Desc = ''USER_TABLE'')

Insert Into condition_'+@f1+ ' Select * from abc..table1
Where grp_id = '''+@f1+'''


Select * Into condition_'+@f1+' from abc..table1
Where grp_id = '''+@f1+'''
alter table condition_'+@f1+' add id int
update condition_'+@f1+' set id = '+@value+'
 Set @x = @x-1
 --print @sql
 Exec (@Sql)

how to pass the table name , database name through variable for this query because this query is used for 5 tables so every time change the table name. 

so will use the variable and pass the value for table name and database name only.

please modify this query.


Abdul Khadir.

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