Hi guys, one question, maybe I'm getting crazy. I argued today with a guy that managed a poll for one of my customer. Ok, he sent me a table like this:
Name Quest Res
1 1 Yes
1 2 Yes
1 3 Not
1 4 Yes
2 1 Yes
2 2 Not
2 3 Yes
2 4 Yes
3 1 Not
..... ...... ......
A mess ( obviously the table is more complicated with more informations)
I told him that correctly the table should have to be
Name Quest1 Quest2 Quest3 Quest4 Quest5 Nation Age.............
whit all the information in a row (at least the table with the question). Now I'm trying to manage a Cube but it's really hard ( without count that I had to create a table for the gender, the country, the age, etc.)
He start to tell me that the software was created in USA, that's is perfect but...do you think I'm wrong?
I tried to do a pivot but the column are too much and to much different, for example column Agree to respond No or yes repeated for every id 4 time with the same value or for example the column grade regarding question 1 and 3 but not 2 and 4 tha are empty.
Really, do you think I was wrong? Remember me the old system type AS400..