My question is: How to find outdated statistics in SQL Server 2005 and above?
I have seen many solution based on sysindexes.rowmodctr in many blogs/sites as below.
SELECT id AS [Table ID] , OBJECT_NAME(id) AS [Table Name] , name AS [Index Name] , STATS_DATE(id, indid) AS [LastUpdated] , rowmodctr AS [Rows Modified] FROM sys.sysindexes WHERE STATS_DATE(id, indid)<=DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE()) AND rowmodctr>10 AND (OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'IsUserTable'))=1
However, In one of Kimberly Tripp's blog here , it has been changed using sysrowsetcolumns.rcmodified. So, am wondering how the query using rowmodctr is valid for SQL Server 2005 and above. If any other query available, please share with me. Any thoughts would be appreciated deeply.
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