I have a query that has a dynamically created ID list for an IN clause that may contain up to 100,000 IDs. Is there a trick that I can do to reduce the run time on the query. (Function, Stored Procedure, etc.)
SELECT * FROM Cases INNER JOIN Users ON Users.UserId = Cases.ReferenceUserID WHERE (Cases.CaseLogTypeID = 8) AND (Cases.CaseLogPrivate <> 1 OR Cases.CaseLogPrivate IS NULL) AND (Cases.ReferenceUserID IN (/* Insert IDs Here*/)) AND (Cases.CaseActive = 1) AND (NOT(Cases.ParentTitle LIKE 'Place title here')) AND (Cases.RespondedStatus IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY vCases.DateCreated DESC
I am willing to try anything as long as I can still pass a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 type string over to the query.
Thanks so much for any help with this.