I want to move 200000+ records from a set of tables (4 tables to be precise) using join to another table with-in the same database.
The data being moved from these tables will be either updated if it already exists or will be inserted if it dosent exists in destination table.
Kindly, let me know what is the best way performance wise to move the data from source tables to destination table using SQL Server 2005.
2. Bulk Insert/Update
3. CTE with DENSE RANK with batching as mentioned in point 4
4. A loop on a batch of records (e.g. Copying 1000 records to temp table and insert/update these until done with entire records)
5. Cursor or Anything else.
As per my understanding SSIS works faster if data is being moved from one databas to another not with in same database and using cursor will perform slower.
Kinldy, let me know the proper solution to this problem with an appropriate example.
Sachin R. Chavan.
Sachin R. Chavan.