I need to clean up a database of a client now that they are using a new program. Some characters are not allowed as a Key field of their inventory database, such as $,#,space, etc. So they have a lot of records with a Key field like "1.25" GAUGE", etc.
I am using the statement SELECT * from ICITEM where LIKE(citemno,"%#%') to isolate them.
for example, to find all records that have a # in the Key field.
Everything is working except for 2 instances:
First, no spaces are allowed in the Key field, but when I do the search:
SELECT * from ICITEM where LIKE(citemno,"% %')
It not only return records with a space inthe Key, but other records that do not have a space in the key (unless it is a trailing space I can't see).
Even more problematic is that no apostrophe's are allowed (" ' ")
I can't even construct an SQL statement with this, because when I do :
SELECT * from ICITEM where LIKE(citemno,"%'%') it thinks that the apostrophe is delimiting my SQL statement rather than the search key I want to look for.
Once I isolate them, I'll make a separate table out of them. Then I'll need to create a 2nd column with the new Item Numbers. Any ideas how I can do a find and replace batch statement so that whenever it sees a #, for example, I can replace it with a phrase like "NUM"
Much thanks
Bill Chicago, IL