Hiiii...........eevry one..
Thes are my critical interview quetiosns...... i did not answer....
1.once logshipping configured..how many tables are created in msdb..how can you find ? what are those tables?
2. how can you rebuild the master db?
3. what are the situations TEMPDB if ull , how do you resolve it ?
4. my db size is 500 gb so, is it possible attcha and detach?
5. I am migrating one databse from 2005 to 2008 .1 table having 150 indexes those indexes also came to 2008 ? or not ?
6. what are the situations to full log file ?
7. how will you restore file group?
8. how to find currpted pages by using dbcc checkdb ?
9. iam writing one query " select * from table..." is it stoein temp db ?
10. what are the diiferent ways to move files ?
Best Regards,