Environment: SQL server 2005 and Win 7
Tools: Management studio 2008 R2
Question: I have 381 records of which two are unwanted and let us call it Query A. Whereas, Query B has an outcome, which identified the right two records to keep in Query A. How to exclude unwanted data from query outcome. If I would have used except
statement or intersect, I would have miss the rest of the records in query A (279). I can not use merge statement because I have SQL server 2005
Query A results
201303110 A V B Banana 20130521 incorrect
201303110 N B A Banana 20130521 correct
201303260 A A B Jelly 20130521 correct
201303260 F A B Jelly 20130326 incorrect
381 records
Query B results
201303110 N B A Banana 20130521 correct
201303260 A A B Jelly 20130521 correct
279 records because we removed the two unwanted records and kept the desired ones
please advise
Declare @Table_source2 table (pn_id char(9), S nchar(2),C nchar(2),L nchar(2),first_nm varchar(10),last_nm varchar(20)) INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('123456789','A','V','B', 'Dan' ,'Kramer' ,'1/1/2005') -- Exculde INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('123456789','N','V','B', 'Dan' ,'Kramer' ,'1/1/2007') -- Keep INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('987654321','A','A','B', 'Pamella' ,'Slattery' ,'1/1/2009') -- Keep INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('987654321','F','V','B', 'Pamella' ,'Slattery' ,'1/1/2005') -- Exculde INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('112233350','Z','Z','Z', 'Pam' , 'Smith' ,'1/1/2006') -- keep INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('097754378','A','V','B', 'Mario', 'elvicio' ,'1/1/2008') -- keep INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('008610321','A','A','B', 'Samanta' , 'Cohen' ,'1/1/2008') -- keep Declare @Table_source2 table (pn_id char(9), S nchar(2),C nchar(2),L nchar(2),first_nm varchar(10)) INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('987654321','A','A','B', 'Pamella' ,'Slattery' ) -- Correct INSERT @Table_source VALUES ('123456789','N','V','B', 'Dan' ,'Kramer' ) -- Correct Select * from @Table_source1 Select * from @Table_source2