Hi all,
I am writing a database application and have ran into an issues that I am having a hard time resolving and would like some help. The application tracks time and labor in my organization. What I am trying to is run a payroll report that calculate all employees time over a given date range.
I would like the dataset to bring back a single instance of the name of the employee and all the time worked for the given date range.
But when I run my query I get the employee name for each instance of the time entered for the the given date range. Here is my query. Can someone please help.
Sincerely Anthony
ALTERPROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_PayrollReport]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT Employeetb.EmployeeID, Employeetb.FName+' '+ Employeetb.MName +' '+ Employeetb.LNameAS EmployeeName,DATENAME(dw,TimeLogged.StartDate)AS NameOfDay,
CONVERT(TIME,TimeLogged.ClockedIn)AS ClockedIn,CONVERT(TIME,TimeLogged.ClockedOut)AS ClockedOut,CONVERT(varchar(10),TimeLogged.StartDate,101)AS TheDate,
DATEDIFF(mi,OverTime.StartTime,OverTime.EndTime)/ 60 AS Overtime,
DATEDIFF(mi,TimeLogged.ClockedIn,TimeLogged.ClockedOut)/ 60 + DATEDIFF(mi,OverTime.StartTime,OverTime.EndTime)/ 60 AS TotalHours
FROM Employeetb,TimeLogged,OverTime
WHERE Employeetb.EmployeeID= TimeLogged.EmployeeID
AND TimeLogged.StartDate>= @StartDate AND TimeLogged.EndDate<= @EndDate
AND OverTime.OvertimeDate>= @StartDate AND OverTime.OvertimeDate<= @EndDate
GROUPBY Employeetb.FName+' '+ Employeetb.MName +' '+ Employeetb.LName,TimeLogged.StartDate,TimeLogged.ClockedIn,TimeLogged.ClockedOut,TimeLogged.StartDate,
OverTime.StartTime,OverTime.EndTime,Employeetb.EmployeeIDORDERBY Employeetb.FName+' '+ Employeetb.MName +' '+ Employeetb.LName