Hi All,
OK, I've got an interesting little task and I cannot work how to do it and I am hoping that someone kind enough will help me.
So here goes:
I have a view called "vwSalesAccSurchSet" within the "Sales" Database and this returns all Sales Accounts which have a surcharge set of "New Set 2013" along with the AccountID and UserID.
We have a table called "Surcharges" within the "Web" database and this holds all the individual Surcharges.
What I am after is this:
As soon as an Account is assign to the "New Set 2013" surcharge set a number of fixed predefined surcharges are inserted into the "Surcharges" table carrying the "UserID" from the vwSalesAccSurchSet into "dwUserIdfk".
Now obviously there needs to be a check in place so that it doesn't insert duplicate rows.
I hope this all makes sense.
Thanks guys!!