I have 2 datetime columns for which I need to find the duration differences. I need to extract from this how many hours and minutes are between the two values. I also need to import this data into MS Excel and report on the data using Pivot Tables.
Using DATEDIFF(HOUR, Column1, Column2) I can derive the number of hours. This is represented as a whole number. So 58 minutes for example would represent a 0 and 1hr 40 would be a 1. What I would like is if it is 58 minutes, for example, the value represents a numerical value under 1 - .58. This will allow the user to see the number of minutes rounded up to an hour. What I am keen to avoid is using minutes in DATEDIFF - as using 360 minutes as six hours would be confusing for the user.
I have also tried CAST(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, Column1, Column2) / 60.00 AS DECIMAL(18,2)) but this would come up as a 0.9 for 58 minutes.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.