SELECT t1.new_applicantidname AS ClientName, t1.new_programmeappliedforidname AS BSUSProgramme, t2.new_programmeappliedforidname AS NEAProgramme, a1.new_evidenceforoutputidname as BSUSOutput, a2.new_evidenceforoutputid, a2.new_evidenceforoutputidname as NEAoUtput, t1.owneridname as BSUSOwner, t2.owneridname as NEAOwner, t1.new_laareaidname as BSUSLocalAuthority, t2.new_laareaidname as NEALocalAuthority, --t1.new_businessstartdate as 'BSUS Business Start Date', t2.new_businessstartdate as 'NEA Business Start Date', --LEFT(CONVERT(nvarchar, a1.new_claimperiodidname ,107),3) + '-' + RIGHT(CONVERT(nvarchar,a1.new_claimperiodidname,107),2) as 'BSUS Claim Period', LEFT(CONVERT(nvarchar, a2.new_claimperiodidname ,107),3) + '-' + RIGHT(CONVERT(nvarchar,a2.new_claimperiodidname,107),2) as 'NEA Claim Period', a2.new_verifiedok,a2.new_claimrefno FROM FilteredNew_applicationform t1 INNER JOIN FilteredNew_applicationform t2 ON t2.new_applicantid = t1.new_applicantid /* Outer join for all BSUS business start records */ LEFT OUTER JOIN FilteredNew_evidence AS a1 ON (t1.new_applicationformid = a1.new_relatedapplicationid) AND a1.new_evidenceforoutputidname IN ('Business Starts') --AND a1.new_evidenceforoutputidname IN ('Starts On Scheme (post)') INNER JOIN FilteredNew_evidence AS a2 ON (t2.new_applicationformid = a2.new_relatedapplicationid) WHERE t2.new_programmeappliedforidname = 'New Enterprise Allowance' and t2.new_clientstageappnidname <> 'Part 9 - NEA1 - Business Plan Approval Date' AND t1.new_programmecontractidname LIKE 'BSUS GM NEA%'
Hi All ,
In the above query can any one help me to get only Starts on scheme output(nothing else) for NEA cleints (a2.new_evidenceforoutputidname = ('Starts On Scheme '))
for e.g i need to dispaly only QWR
Any help much appreciated