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Query using Union All and CTEs is slow

TypePatient [ednum] int NOT NULL,  PK [BackgroundID] int NOT NULL, FK [Patient_No] varchar(50) NULL, FK [Last_Name] varchar(30) NULL, [First_Name] varchar(30) NULL, [ADateTime] datetime NULL, Treat...

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Sql conversion to access

How would I be able to write this query out in access? SELECT New.BRAND, SUM(NEW.QTY)QTY FROM(SELECT LEFT([Desc], CHARINDEX(' ',[DESC], 1)) AS Brand, qty FROM ARD  WHERE DATE BETWEEN '12/01/2013' AND...

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Update a field multiple times, but only if the field is empty

I am having trouble updating a field in my table based upon a set of 7 different rules. I have been scratching my head at this for a few days, and am not sure what exactly is wrong, but am sure there...

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Pivot rows to columns dynamically

I want to convert row data into columnsdynamically.Reg no      Title                   Marks      10900231    Asgn 1             10.00         10900231    Asgn 3             5.00          10900231...

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adding one more table to query makes execution time 100 times greater

I've got a view that's based on a query that uses 5 tables from one database and 1 table from another database. It has worked fine in production for several years.The SQL statement includes a CASE...

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Calculate cross duration for date times

Hello,I have a table "experience" which contains start and end data for each experience for each job seekers.I need to know the total cross duration of experience for any job seekers.For example, check...

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Permutations (difficult one)

Hi, We're tyring to find the best way to solve the following, hope you can help please. We have a fairly large table of users (2500+) and the users belong to 1 or more groups (at the moment the max...

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How to backup data in table?

hi friends,How do I backup 1500 rows of data in products table in a databaseDB1? (the last column is varbinary type for images)How do I insert backed up 1500 rows of data in to the products table (this...

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Range date SQL 2008. If a record is set in the same time in two different rows

Hi guys a quick question: having a date (nvarchar format) like this 2013-02-22 00:00:00.0000000 how can I transform in date? And most important, having a structure likeidRec idContract From To 1 11...

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error 'DAYOFWEEK' is not a recognized built-in function name.

hi friend I used the following query with sql server 2008 to select group by recordsSELECT sum(ljoin)as lct, sum(rjoin)as rct, CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL(1-DAYOFWEEK(date))...

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Select column by ordinal position

Is there any way to select columns by ordinal position rather than by name?Something likeSelect t.[1] as col1, t.[2] as col2FROM table tThe question comes because of a very specific situation where...

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INSERT INTO MSAccess Linked Table Memo Field FROM SQL Server VARCHAR Field

I know I am doing the opposite of everyone else.  But I need to INSERT INTO MSAccess Linked Table Memo Field FROM SQL Server VARCHAR Field.  Don't ask why...I have tried CAST and it does not seem to...

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30 M rows in SQL Server 2008 R2- View or Table for faster performance

Hello,I am creating a SSRS 2008 report that currently is using a view. It's a view made out of one table and is not indexed.There are 70 some columns that I am displaying in the report with 10 or so...

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RAISERROR won't compile in sproc

I have an stored proc with code that looks like:BeginBegin tryBegin TranCommitEnd tryBegin Catch-- get the error values and write them to a log table by executing another stored procROLLBACK-- here is...

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Can we populate time dimension table in a specific order?

I am trying to load time dimension in a specific order and have attached (below) having sample data showing actual and desired outputdesired output BIZ_YEAR BIZ_MONTH BIZ_MONTH_VAL 2000 1 Jan 2000 2...

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Update Trigger Assistance - Update Same Row More than Once?

Good morning,I'm new to Triggers and am not understanding why this is not working.  I've tried the web and none of the articles seem to answer my question.  What I'm trying to do is clean a string and...

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Updating records using self join or row number function

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Temp GO CREATE TABLE #Temp ( ID INT , CYear INT , Val INT , Descrp Varchar(10) NULL , Cd INT , ToBeUpdated Varchar(5) NULL ) INSERT INTO #Temp ( ID...

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Need help in SQL Query

Hi - I have below two tables:Table1:store date revenue A 10-01-2013 10 A 11-01-2013 100 A 12-01-2013 12 B 10-01-2013 33 B 11-01-2013 56 B 12-01-2013 56Table2:Store month year Status A 10 2013 Managed A...

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Unfamiliar SELECT Statement

Hello, all -I'm reverse-engineering a stored procedure to clean it up, de-pasta-ize it and then excise as much as possible from the sp to use in an SSIS procedure.While going over the sp, I've come...

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PATINDEX problem

I'm using PATINDEX combined with SUBSTRING to strip off leading zeros or letters. I can strip off either a zero or a  letter but not both. For example:'P102' should return '102''P0102' should return...

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