Channel: Transact-SQL forum
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Why should I must user dbo.[xxx] rather than xxx imediately in DELETE statement?

Hi guys,I just found that I must usedelete dbo.[user] where id=1rather thandelete user where id=1after re-install sql server on my computer.Is there some way to resolve this problem?Typing dbo.[] every...

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Quickest way to see if a city (52000 records) is inside a string

Hi,I am reading emails lines  in c# and interop.outlook, and I need to know if in that line there is a city. The table is around 52000 records! Sql Server 2012Thks in advance

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Expanding IP values based on subnet mask with increased complexity.

Hello Forum Members/Gurus' Background: I have a IP range as: want the following output: . . script by Patrick Hurst works  like...

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Suddenly Database growth is high

Hello,We are using sql server 2008 and suddenly our database is grown up highly stopped working.How can i know which query makes db high?Database configured as auto growth is true.Regards,DBA5

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How to put a SQL Agent Job wait in the trigger while the job is running.

Hello!I am not a geek in writing t-sql code so I am seeking forum help in completion of my task.I have a trigger which fires upon a action and with in that code, I am starting a job via t-sql likeEXEC...

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SQL Service Read-Only

I am trying to develop a membership application website with SQL 2008. When I attached a "create user" Wizard form, I got an error message: Failed to update database..................because the...

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Query is taking too much time for inserting into a temp table and for spooling

Hi,I am working on a query optimization project where I have found a query which takes hell lot of time to execute.Temp table is defined as follows:DECLARE @CastSummary TABLE (CastID INT, SalesOrderID...

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How does OUTPUT PARAMETER work with C#, how to understand it correctly?

Hi guys, I'm learning C# with SQL Server.I am practicing using C# to get a return valuefrom the output dataof a procedure with output parameter(s).I write procedure like thisLTER PROCEDURE...

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need SQLITE query

i have a string lets say https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8SrwkGjoDhE/U34hGfM3s0I/AAAAAAABcrE/iyXjqTH03eE/s9999/IMG_3975.JPGi want sqlite query to get only .JPG from the string, please help me.

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Remove Duplicate Words from the Record

Hi All, I would like to know whether I can remove the duplication value from the following records using T-SQL/function :-Before 1) MR K & MRS B DOWLING - VERWOOD PENSION FUND A/C VERWOOD PENSION...

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Query for auto restore db

Hi Guys,I've already managed to do an scheduled dowload from a ftp server and to auto unpack it when it arrives. The next step i want to do is a automated restore from this db.I found a query but i'm...

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Hot to select last month sales using fiscal calendar

Hi All, I have the following query listed below select DISTINCT -1, vODS_GLBalance_test.Page, vODS_GLBalance_test.FiscalYearId, vODS_GLBalance_test.FiscalMonthOfYearId, GLAmount From...

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Split records T-SQL

Hi Friends,I have a full record which does have single and return information in the same record so I want to split into two records using SQLhave a look attached below screen shot this is the Input I...

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Isse with using Grouping Sets in SQL Server 2008 R2

Hi, I created a query in SQL Server 2012 using grouping sets that works fine.  When I try to use the same query in SQL Server 2008 I get an error ("Inccorrect syntax near SETS").I researched using...

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ALTER TABLE question

Experts,Say suppose 10 columns in a table with 100K records, now there is a new req. to add new 5 columns.So my question, Is there anyway where we can alter table add column_name with all the entries...

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Inner Cursor Error

Hello,I have been using dynamic sql in an inner cursor and I get an error about the fetched variable of the outer cursor. How can I fix it? DECLARE A1 CURSOR GLOBAL FOR SELECT Iid, Server, Dbname FROM...

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Help with SQL Round

I need to round up my Percentage column in my query below and couldnt quite get the ROUND function right. Right now I am getting:28.888888800would like 28.89%SELECT a.doctor as Doctor ,...

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Top 10 sum & count

I have been working on this Select statement all day (blogs & testing) and I guess it's time to seek some help.This is for my golf league to determine who is in the lead and determine the points...

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what is the sql query for this

table Employee EmpId Name MonthlySalary DateofJoining Suggest  a sql server query to find out the employee details whose having salary greater than their yers of experiance nravhad

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How to achieve Assign Unique Value

Hi,I have a task where I need to assign a new value depending If a Group number falls in particular M area.For an example : In Database I have:SELECT DISTINCT  M,[GroupNumber] FROM...

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