my query returns multiple rows. I am using Row_Number() to order them. I then select Row = 1, which should show me only the row that is first in the list. Instead, I'm getting 6 rows of output.
My query is as follows:
set nocount on declare @today datetime set @today=utility.dbo.fn_stripdate(getdate()) if datepart(dw,@today)=2 select @today=@today-3 else select @today=@today-1 declare @firstofmonth datetime=utility.dbo.fn_monthfirst(@today) declare @lastmonthtoday datetime=utility.dbo.fn_lmsameworkday(@today) declare @firstoflastmonth datetime=dateadd(m,-1,@firstofmonth) /* if @today is a holiday, go back to previous day */ declare @t datetime,@w int,@tgt int select @t=@firstofmonth,@w=0,@tgt=utility.dbo.fn_workingdays(@firstofmonth,@today) if utility.dbo.fn_workingdays(@today,@today)=0 begin while utility.dbo.fn_workingdays(@firstofmonth,@t)<@tgt begin select @t+=1 end select @today=@t end --select @today='20121231' declare @reportcode varchar(15) select @reportcode= case @regid when 3 then 'SCA' when 98 then 'NCA' else null end declare @branches table (branch varchar(15), regid int) select @regid=case when @regid=98 then 3 else @regid end insert into @branches select branch,regid from ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.BranchDef where regid=@regid and isnull(reportcode,'')=coalesce(@reportcode,isnull(reportcode,'')) CREATE TABLE #tempDistinctCount (GFNo varchar(20) , Fee_Date datetime) insert into #TempDistinctCount select distinct(et.gfno) ,case when oc.checkdate is not null then min(oc.CheckDate) else min(im.invoicedate) end as FeeDate from dbo.orders et inner join dbo.checks oc on oc.gfno=et.gfno inner join dbo.checkln od on oc.checkid=od.checkid inner join dbo.invoice im on et.gfno=im.gfno inner join dbo.invoiceln il on im.idnum=il.idnum where et.CloseDate is not null and od.acctcode in (100,200,300,350,400,500) or il.acctcode in (100,200,300,350,400,500) group by et.gfno,oc.checkdate, im.invoicedate --select * --from #TempDistinctCount create table #Temp2 (escrowNumber varchar(20),fee_date datetime,titlefee money,escrowfee money, other money, acctcode int, Row int, id integer identity(1,1) primary key clustered) insert into #Temp2(escrownumber, fee_date, titlefee, escrowfee, other, acctcode, Row) select et.gfno ,oc.checkdate ,sum(case when od.acctcode in (100,200,400) then od.amount else 0 end) as titlefee ,sum(case when od.acctcode=500 then od.amount else 0 end) as escrowfee ,sum(case when od.acctcode in (300,350) then od.amount else 0 end) as other ,case when oc.checkdate is not null then od.acctcode else 0 end as acctcode ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY et.gfno ORDER BY acctcode asc) as ROW from ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.orders et (nolock) inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.checks oc (nolock) on oc.gfno=et.gfno inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.checkln od (nolock) on oc.checkid=od.checkid inner join @branches b on et.branch=b.branch and et.regid=b.regid where oc.checkdate =@today and oc.voiddate is null and (oc.payee like 'wfg national title%' or oc.payee like 'transfer to file [A-z]%') and oc.checknum=-2 and et.regid=@regid group by et.gfno,oc.checkdate,od.acctcode union all select et.gfno ,im.invoicedate ,sum(case when il.acctcode in (100,200,400) then il.amount else 0 end) as titlefee ,sum(case when il.acctcode=500 then il.amount else 0 end) as escrowfee ,sum(case when il.acctcode in (300,350) then il.amount else 0 end) as other ,case when im.invoicedate is not null then il.acctcode else 0 end as AcctCode ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY et.gfno ORDER BY acctcode asc) as ROW from ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.orders et (nolock) inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.invoice im (nolock) on et.gfno=im.gfno inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.invoiceln il (nolock) on im.idnum=il.idnum inner join @branches b on et.branch=b.branch and et.regid=b.regid where im.invoicedate = @today and isnull(im.initials,'')<>'EST' and et.regid=@regid and et.branch not in ('OR-Clackamas','OR-Lake Oswego','OR-Sunset','OR-NW Portland','OR-Commercial','OR-Lloyd') group by et.gfno,im.invoicedate, il.acctcode --SELECT * --FROM #Temp2 select @today as today ,replace(em.branch,'OR-','') as branch ,case when charindex('Residential Sale',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Sale',og.Description)+charindex('New Construction',og.Description)+charindex('Foreclosure',og.Description)+charindex('Short Sale',og.Description)+charindex('REO',og.Description) > 0 then 'S' when charindex('Residential Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Home Equity',og.Description)+charindex('Cash Out',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance NOO',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance Form',og.Description)+charindex('LCLP',og.Description)>0 then 'R' else 'O' end,'X' as [Type_of_Order] ,em.gfno as [Order_No] ,em.opendate as [Open_Date] ,fees.fee_date as [Closing_Date] ,ep.Name as [EO] ,tp.Name as [TO] ,case when em.kindoforder='T' or af.single1 is not null then 'Title Only' when em.kindoforder='B' and af.single1 is null and af.single2 is null then 'Both' when em.kindoforder='E' and af.single2 is not null then 'Escrow Only' when od.acctcode in (300,350) then 'Other' else 'N/A' end as [Kind_of_Order] ,stuff((','+isnull(p.address+' ','')+isnull(,'')+isnull(', '+p.state+' ','')+isnull(,'')),1,1,'') as [Property_Address] ,isnull(bs1.formalname,'') as [Seller] ,isnull(,'')+isnull(la.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(la.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'') +isnull(la.Phone,'') as [Listing_Agent] ,isnull(,'')+ isnull(sa.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(sa.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+isnull(,'') as [Selling_Agent] ,isnull(bs2.formalname,'') as Buyer ,isnull(,'')+isnull(lo.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(lo.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+isnull(,'') as [Mortgage_Broker] ,isnull(bs2.formalname,'') as [Formal_Name] ,em.sourceofbusiness as [Source_of_Business] ,isnull(,'')+isnull(c.contactfirst+' '+c.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+ isnull(,'') as [Referral] ,em.loanamount ,em.salesprice , as [marketing_rep] ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY em.GFNo ORDER BY od.acctcode DESC) AS Row from ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.orders em inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.checks oc on em.gfno = oc.gfno inner join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.checkln od on oc.checkid = od.checkid left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.tomain t on em.tonum=t.tonum and em.regid=t.regid left join p on em.gfno=p.gfno left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.seller s on em.gfno=s.gfno and s.sortfield=1 left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.buysel bs1 on s.buyersellerid=bs1.buyersellerid left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.buyer b on em.gfno=b.gfno and b.sortfield=1 left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.buysel bs2 on b.buyersellerid=bs2.buyersellerid left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.agent la on em.agentseller=la.agentnum left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.agent sa on em.agentbuyer=sa.agentnum left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.agent lo on em.MortgageBrokerID=lo.agentnum left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.agent c on em.customer=c.agentnum left join ccWFGNationalTitle.dbo.EscrowProcessor ep on em.CloseAgent=ep.Initials left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.titleprocessor tp on em.titleofficer=tp.initials left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.salesnames sales on em.salesrep=sales.initials left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.adfields af on em.gfno=af.gfno left join ccwfgnationaltitle.dbo.ordercategories og on em.ordercategory=og.ordercategory inner join #Temp2 fees on em.gfno=fees.escrownumber where em.regid=@regid and Row = 1 group by replace(em.branch,'OR-',''), isnull(case when em.tonum is null then case when charindex('Residential Sale',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Sale',og.Description)+charindex('New Construction',og.Description)+charindex('Foreclosure',og.Description)+charindex('Short Sale',og.Description)+charindex('REO',og.Description)>0 then 'S' when charindex('Residential Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Home Equity',og.Description)+charindex('Cash Out',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance NOO',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance Form',og.Description)+charindex('LCLP',og.Description)>0 then 'R' end when em.ordercategory is not null then case when charindex('Residential Sale',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Sale',og.Description)+charindex('New Construction',og.Description)+charindex('Foreclosure',og.Description)+charindex('Short Sale',og.Description)+charindex('REO',og.Description)>0 then 'S' when charindex('Residential Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Commercial Refinance',og.Description)+charindex('Home Equity',og.Description)+charindex('Cash Out',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance NOO',og.Description)+charindex('Residential Refinance Form',og.Description)+charindex('LCLP',og.Description)>0 then 'R' else 'O' end end,'X') ,em.gfno ,em.opendate ,fees.fee_date , , ,isnull(bs1.formalname,'') ,isnull(,'')+isnull(la.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(la.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'') +isnull(la.Phone,'') ,isnull(,'')+ isnull(sa.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(sa.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+isnull(,'') ,isnull(bs2.formalname,'') ,isnull(,'')+isnull(lo.contactfirst+' ','')+isnull(lo.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+isnull(,'') ,isnull(bs2.formalname,'') ,em.sourceofbusiness ,isnull(,'')+isnull(c.contactfirst+' '+c.contactlast+char(10)+char(13),'')+ isnull(,'') ,em.loanamount ,em.salesprice , ,case when em.kindoforder='T' or af.single1 is not null then 'Title Only' when em.kindoforder='B' and af.single1 is null and af.single2 is null then 'Both' when em.kindoforder='E' and af.single2 is not null then 'Escrow Only' when od.acctcode in (300,350) then 'Other' else 'N/A' end ,od.acctcode ,Row ,em.tonum ,og.ordercategory ,og.description ,em.kindoforder ,af.single1 ,af.single2 ,em.ordercategory ,p.address , ,p.state , DROP TABLE #Temp2 DROP TABLE #TempDistinctCount
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!