Channel: Transact-SQL forum
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Execute Stored Procedure in a batch file using a result from Query as a...

Hi !I have a stored procedure in my database. It is an Insert or Update Procedure from Temporary Table to Base Table:Temp_Item_Table and B_Item_TableMy Stored Procedure is Procedure_Upsert_Item in...

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SQL Query to predict column

Hello Team, we are planning to do a task  i..e to identify the tables which have column like firstname, lastname etcThis i can achieve by writing sql query but there are tables which won't have any...

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How to dynamically create multiple Pivot join

Is it possible for me to do the following in dynamic pivot?  The code below basically in the first select put the 'result' value for each month into the 'Value' field in the temp table #ValueBucket....

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Update causing lots of rows to be affected

My update looks like this.  I have a clustered index on adid on the txtad table, so I thought this would affect only a single row.  Instead it takes a while to come back and gives the message...

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query results as string

Hi,We are using SQL Server 2005 I have a select query like this: Select  distinct(column1) From table1 t1 WHERE t1.status in ('AAA', 'DDDD') except select column1 from @tmptableThe results are:Quat123...

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The ltrim function requires 1 argument(s)

Hi All,I got below error while using command -- LTRIM (MEG,'0')error: The ltrim function requires 1 argument(s).i want to remove 7 zeros in front of the number.example:before: 00000006787after:...

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Hi all, I am stored a datetime value in the column field.The datetime value is converted into unix timestamp and stored into a bigint column.Now i want to query the details by where condition in that...

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stored procedure

Hi all,i was created a simple stored procedure like this..CREATE PROCEDURE sp_date @table varchar(50),@column varchar (20),@From int,@To intAS SELECT * FROM @tableWHERE @column BETWEEN...

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maxdop linked server question

Does anyone know how MAXDOP works when you have a linked server query? I have a linked server query that is reading a table on a remote server and inserting it into a table on the local server. Does...

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Use of various types of SQL Server Table Expressions

Hi,  With regards to the 4 types of SQL Server 2012 table expressions, namely:  1) views  2) inline table valued function  3) derived table  4) common table expressions  anyone can shed some real life...

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FORMAT Command with TIME Data Type

How can TIME data type be formatted?   Thanks.DECLARE @t char(4) = '1600'; DECLARE @tm time = STUFF(@t,3,1,':'); SELECT @t, @tm, FORMAT(@tm, 'hh:mm:ss', 'en-US') -- 1600 16:00:00.0000000 NULLKalman...

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Problem getting single output row from many.

my query returns multiple rows. I am using Row_Number() to order them. I then select Row = 1, which should show me only the row that is first in the list. Instead, I'm getting 6 rows of output.My query...

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problem with write a query

Hi,i have to do a view but i have problem with query its all about asset.i have table with data as below, table name is assetaable ofc i`ve got about 10k rows in tableASSETID           NAMEALIAS...

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Improving DELETE performance - SQL Server 2012

Hi,in a my stored procedure I need to use the DELETE statement, and I cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE, in order to deleting rows with a specific year. The table source has more tens of millions of rows and...

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Execution plan for index that doesn't actually exist

Hi All,I know how to compare execution plans using "USING (INDEX(1))" for a clustered index.  I do this with another query to compare execution plans in the same screen.  I seem to remember hearing...

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Correct way to do update?

Hi I'm trying to accomplish the following update. What is the correct and most efficient way to do this?I want to update #tmp2 with the price in #tmpWhere the date in #tmp is equal to the date in #tmp2...

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How to create dynamic where clause in Select statment

Hi everyone,We are using SQL Server 2008 R2 - Enterprise edition.What is the most efficient way to create dynamic 'where clause' for select statment.ThanksA.G

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T-SQL Code Structure - Review/Comment?

Hello,I'm still new to T-SQL and have hundreds of CHECK constraints that I need to create scripts for. I'm interested in comments from the more experienced folks out there as to the best way to...

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Wrong Enconding on Select with Union

Hi there,I got multiple tables, all of the same structure, containing the same columns. The columns are allvarchar(250).Now I have a query, that connects all the tables via UNION ALL and selects a...

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extracting valid mobile numbers

hi All,im trying to extract the valid mobile numbers with out any other charecters(*,/,+ etc..) only numeric 10 digited number.EX:*091234567890--output should be 91234567890...

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