hi All,
im trying to
extract the valid mobile numbers with out any other charecters(*,/,+ etc..) only numeric 10 digited number.
EX:*091234567890--output should be 91234567890
so dynamically i will get 10 digits in sequence i get but i should consider only 10 digits to output
declare @mobile table(MOBILE varchar(16),Result VARCHAR(10))
insert into @mobile
select '(+91)-9234567890','VALID' union
select '92345678990*','VALID' union all
select '91-9234567890','VALID' union all
select '(91)9234567890','VALID' union all
select '+9234567890*','VALID' union all
select '(9234567890','VALID' union all
select '09234567890' ,'VALID' union all
select '9234567890-','VALID' union all
select '+923456789*' ,'INVALID' union all
select '+234567890*' ,'INVALID' union all
select '97(31)-789889','INVALID' union all
select '+234567890&' ,'INVALID'
select * from @mobile