Beleive that I can use cursors to loop though a list.
I have a table that lists table names which I want to copy from one db to another. The code I am trying is as follows:
USE Finance
Declare @ID int
Declare @ActiveTable nchar(30)
Declare c Cursor For Select Distinct ID_IHDBTableName From dbo.IHDBTableNames
Open c
Fetch next From c into @ID
While @@Fetch_Status=0 Begin
SET @ActiveTable = Select distinct IHDBTableName FROM IHDBTableNames Where ID_IHDBTableName=@ID
DELETE FROM [dbo].@ActiveTable
INSERT Finance.[dbo].@ActiveTable SELECT * FROM IHDBNew7.[dbo].@ActiveTable
Fetch next From c into @ID
Close c
Deallocate c
However it falls over at my SET statement.
Any suggestions?
NB I dont want to use the Import \ Export program as I can not edit the dts package it creates.