I am working on a procedure that will check directories using `xp_DirTree` to confirm that the correct number of files have been generated by an earlier process.
Unfortunately my query (the last part) is giving incorrect results
declare @DateOffset int set @DateOffset=6 -- Create a table variable to store user data DECLARE @myTable TABLE ( docID INT IDENTITY(1,1), docRef VARCHAR(50), YPTMPID varchar(3), saveDir VARCHAR(4000), totalLettersExpected int, actualLetters int ); insert @myTable SELECT docRef, YPTMPID, saveDir=max(Save_Directory) + cast(YEAR(GETDATE()-@DateOffset) as varchar(4)) + '\' + datename(month, GETDATE()-@DateOffset) + '\'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE()-@DateOffset, 101),4, 2) + '.' + LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE()-@DateOffset, 101), 2)+ '.' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE()-@DateOffset, 101),7, 4), COUNT(*) as 'Total Letters', null FROM [alpsMaster].[dbo].[uExtractMonitor] group by docRef, YPTMPID order by 1,2 select * from @myTable -- Get the number of rows in the looping table DECLARE @RowCount INT, @SQL nvarchar(4000), @LoopSQL nvarchar(4000), @Date varchar(20) set @Date=rtrim(CONVERT( CHAR(12), getDate()-@DateOffset, 106)) --'29 Oct 2013' SET @RowCount = (SELECT COUNT(docID) FROM @myTable) -- Declare an iterator DECLARE @I INT -- Initialize the iterator SET @I = 1 -- Loop through the rows of table @myTable, and for each docRef, check the file directory for the correct number of files WHILE (@I <= @RowCount) BEGIN DECLARE @docRef VARCHAR(10), @saveDir VARCHAR(500), @letterCount int -- Get the data from table and set to variables SELECT @docRef = docref FROM @myTable WHERE docID = @I SELECT @saveDir = saveDir FROM @myTable WHERE docID = @I update @myTable set actualLetters = 0 where docRef=@docRef create table #files (subdirectory varchar(100), depth int, [file] int) insert into #files EXEC master.sys.xp_dirtree @saveDir,0,1; select @letterCount = COUNT(*) from #files drop table #files update @myTable set actualLetters = @letterCount where docRef=@docRef -- Increment the iterator SET @I = @I + 1 END select * from @myTable
Unfortunately in my last WHILE loop something is going wrong. The numbers put in theactualLetters column should match the column totalLettersExpected
On the network the number of files does match the column totalLettersExpected so where have I gone wrong, and is there a better, more robust way of doing this?