Hi Friends,
I want to find out the age of the case every week. For example: I have in my table like below
Create table #Case ( caseopened date, caseclosed date ) insert into #Case values ('2012-01-04','2012-02-16') SElect * from #case
caseopened 2012-01-04 caseclosed 2012-02-16. So Now from datedimension or from calendar i can find that 2012-01-08
2012-01-15,2012-01-22,2012-01-29,2012-02-05,2012-02-12,2012-02-19 are weeks between that above mentioned case. Now i want to find out the age of the case for every week.
like for 2012-01-08 age is 4 for 2012-01-15 age is 11, etc . Any help is highly appreciated. I wanted to present this in ssrs chart where x axis is weekendingsunday and y axis is age.