My requirement is to loop through around 100 SSAS Instances and run an MDX query and get response from SQL Server.
To achive this , I used openrowset solutions
SET @sqlquery =N'SELECT @LastScanperiod = [[Measures]].[Last Scan Date Internal]]]FROM OPENROWSET(''MSOLAP'', ''DATASOURCE=' + @CubeServername +';Initial Catalog=' + @CubeDBName +';Timeout=10''
,''SELECT {[Measures].[Last Scan Date Internal]} ON 0
FROM [' + @CubeName +']''
) '
SET @params = N'@LastScanperiod INT output';
EXEC sp_executesql @sqlquery,@params,@LastScanperiod = @LastScanPeriodKey OUTPUT
But few of the servers might be down or may take longer time to respond. I would like to Timeout after a specified period of time instead of waiting until server responds. Even though I specified Timeout option as 10 sec , still its not working. Any idea how to solve this?