I have a recursive query that gets me half way to where I need to be. The only way I can see to get the result I need is to run that query recursively.
Is there a way to do this and then dump the results to a temp table and then when the query runs again to append those results to the same temp table etc. ? Maybe with a Cursor and Fetch command?
My CTE fully expands a Bill Of Materials for an Item. I can then gather up all the Estimated Time for each of those items that make up the full bill of materials and show a sum. The idea is to see how much labour time will be required at any given work station for a "top level" item. I have this working fine as a sub report.
I need to find a way to add up all the times for multiple "top level" items and show the sums by work station. I don't think there is a way to do it from the data in the sub report since that runs independently.
I can certainly provide a more detailed explanation - including examples and my CTE code - to anybody who has any bright ideas.